

Conference Business Logistics in Modern Management started in 2001 as scientific research colloquium organized and hosted by Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek, University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek, Croatia. Intended primarily as a meeting of Croatian scientists with expertise in logistics, it has achieved a great success. Through years it became recognized as international scientific conference narrowly specialized in logistics, supply chain management and distribution issues of regional and global concern.

Today, Conference has international Editorial board and reviewers, thereby ensuring its scientific and practical recognition both home and abroad. Business Logistics in Modern Management publication is indexed in Web of Science database, namely Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Social Science & Humanities (part of Web of Scince Core Collection – still waiting answers for the 2020-2023), EBSCO – Business Source UItimate and Business Source Corporate Plus, EconLit Full Text, Econpapers, IDEA and HRČAK – Portal of Scientific Journals of Croatia. For more details on indexation, please see the following link http://blmm-conference.com/indexation/.


International Scientifi Conference Business Logistics in Modern Management aims to bring together scientists and experts engaged in problems of business logistics and distribution of goods and services with the purpose of exchange of professional opinions and scientific ideas.

For all that the attention should be addressed to:

  • digitalization in supply chains
  • green supply chain management
  • role of the business logistics and distribution in the performance on domestic and international market
  • importance of supply chain management
  • new globalization processes in world economy and role of logistics within them
  • problems in relationships between manufacturing and trade companies, and their possible cooperation in logistics and marketing
  • application of modern information technology and business concepts in the creating of value chain
  • creating of retail supply chains and their role in economic system
  • building of international and regional value chains and networks
  • needs of creating new distribution systems as a function of sustainable development
  • spatial arrangement of distribution activities with international and regional aspects.